Obtain in-game token in POW

Obtain in-game token in POW:

1.Farm - hero Mine - dispatch cards to get rewards;

2.Farm - POW Staking Mining - Add liquidity - Form LP with GUT - Participate in Staking Mining - Obtain rewards

3.SWAP - Trading using USDT, BNB, WBNB, and GUT;

4.COMBAT CAMP - Enter the PVP ranking list - Challenge other players in PVP battles, and earn rewards for victories;

5.COMBAT CAMP - Enter PVE levels - Complete levels to earn rewards.

POW usage:

1.”My Cards"-Upgrade your cards;

2.COMBAT CAMP-Enter the PVP ranking and challenge other players;

3.COMBAT CAMP-Enter the PVE level adventure and obtain ticket to challenge the level.

Last updated